Family history

How Many Ancestors Do We Have?


2 parents
4 grandparents
8 great-grandparents
16 second great-grandparents
32 third great-grandparents
64 fourth great-grandparents
128 fifth great-grandparents
256 sixth great-grandparents
512 seventh great-grandparents
1,024 eight great-grandparents

For you to be born, from the previous 12 generations, you needed a total of an unbelievable 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.

Think about that, think about all of them…
How many struggles did they face?  How many difficulties?
Did they fight in wars? Fight disease? Experience loss?

Leave their homes and family and seek their fortunes in a new country?

Think about the stories? The sorrows? The sadness?  The joys and the hardships?

Think about all they went through, and who they are, to come down to each one of us.

Posted by SCHGS in Genealogy